Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some videos.

This is Brock in Art Attack

This is the Goblin King

The making of Christmas Town
I helped put up lights and wreaths in England, then they pulled me back into the costume shop to help build costumes.

Christmas Town shows

This is our newest ride

A few extra Festivale pictures.

Having some fun backstage in others costumes. The girls had to cover up to get to the tower because it was raining.

The view from backstage during the commercial shoot. We got a little bored so we were getting creative. The commercial turned out really cool though.
The entertainment sent a cake for the closing of the festivale as well as my birthday. It was the same day, so we got two cakes.

Halloween shows from around the park.

Here is 'Jack is Back'. I helped with the stilt costumes. I also made the costume for Tony as the Goblin King. Then there was Monster Stop. I love that show. I also got to help Brock with his costume. I made him a straight jacket out of a lab coat and some belts. The sleeves had velcro so he could tear then off to paint. It turned out really cool. The last two pictures are in the back stage of Italy. Everyone was trying on Paul's Frankenstein boots. Our stage manager Garrett had them on and was still the shortest guy. Haha. It was pretty funny.

And what you've all been waiting for...

the costumes! Here are a few with the coolest people ever. I was Maid Marian and my friend Topher was Robin hood. I made my costume out of a curtain and my veil is a sheer curtain. Topher and I got creative with his. We found a green shirt at a thrift store as well as a little kids cape and pants with boot tops connected. I altered the shirt to make it more period and cut the boot tops from the pant. We borrowed a vest and he wore some khakis. It was perfect. I miss that kid. Such talent. There was a work party as well as a get together at Paul's. They even had a corn shucking contest at work. That's Carrie my boss. It was awesome! There were some really great costumes.

Pumpkin slaughtering.

What is Halloween without pumpkins? My friend Ryan came over and we carved pumpkins together. He did the scarecrow, my roomate Heather did the face and I did the dragon from Sleeping Beauty. I was quite proud.

Driving home from NC.

So it was a 6 hour drive home from Brandon and Tiff's. I decided to take a short break at a rest stop. Turned out there was a memorial there. It was a beautiful. I was rained/sprinkled on the entire drive home. It made for some good pictures.

Visiting NC. '09

I had a rare 3 day weekend, so I decided to treck it out yo NC to see the family. It was nice to be able to play with the kids and relax after working so much. The 6 hour drive there and home was worth it. I don't get to see them very often.

Birthday '09

A bunch of my cast members and I went out for dinner for my birthday. We had a lot of fun. Then there was the typical Paul's gathering. I miss these kids.