Friday, March 28, 2008

George Benson at the ballpark

Got a last minute call on Thursday to do wardrobe for a benefit concert. The name rang a bell but I wasn't too familiar with it. It was George Benson, the singer. He, along with his 2 sons, his band and an orchestra. After waiting about 45 min for him to get there, I steamed their clothes, fixed a few buttons then sat in their dressing room and talked for almost an hour. Easiest money I've ever made. We talked about his career, records he has made (with Sinatra), filling in for Ella Fitzgerald and places he's been. He then told me they were headed to the Bahamas next and asked if I was ready to go. They need a good wardrobe person who knows what they're doing. That would be awesome. He also said that I remind him of my namesake, Hayley Mills. That was pretty cool. George is totally laid back and very complimentary. I don't think I heard one negative word come out of his mouth. He asked me all about what I do and asked for my information to maybe make him something sometime. Got paid for 4 hours and worked for less than 2. It rocked!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My new baby Clyde

Got him from an animal rescue place. A family was going to have a baby and had to give him up. He's a complete sweetheart.